‘Representing Social Care- How We Can Improve Perceptions of the Sector and its Workforce’
At a time where Social Care along with so many other professions have been through one of the most challenging 18 months, we should hold our heads up high and be proud of what we have achieved.
The social care sector has been faced with an unprecedented challenge because of the Covid-19 epidemic. Tasked with caring for some of the most vulnerable groups in society, many thousands of care homes and home care workers have not only protected their health but helped them to thrive during this difficult time.
The Social Care Sector has many different aspects to it with so many skilled people. Working in Social Care can be emotionally and physically demanding however it is one of the most rewarding careers that someone can have.
2021 needs to be the year where we champion what we do and shout from the rooftops. There is so much Outstanding Care across the UK and so many positive stories to share, even throughout COVID what teams have achieved 24hrs a day, 7 days a week, 365 days of the year is incredible.
We often use the analogy ‘for every negative thought try to find 2 or 3 positive thoughts’ If only we could apply this to Social Care and whenever there is a negative perception find 2 positive stories to share to counterbalance this.
Whether you are the Manager, Nurse, Carer, Chef, Gardener, or housekeeper the ‘team’ makes such a difference to someone’s life whether that be in a care home or in someone’s own home. The importance of the Workforce is underestimated and if we took a minute to think about where we would be without the amazing individuals, we have across Social Care it may just emphasize the crucial role on society these teams have.
We now have a Chief Nurse, and we should all wear our care badge with pride. Not just when working but daily as a recognition for the profession.
The sector should be going into schools, meeting with teachers and students to share experiences and change perceptions – as a community we need to stand together to promote our profession and celebrate what we are all part of.
Just like healthcare, for many people social care is more than a job, it is a vocation. Care staff go above and beyond the call of duty and what better way to thank everyone than raising the awareness of the profession through recognizing what they do.
Let’s make 2021 a year for raising the profile of our Social Care Professionals.
Zoe Fry and Russell Leese
Directors, The Outstanding Society