23 Activities for the Elderly

As we get older it can often be difficult to do the activities we once enjoyed. Whether due to illness or immobility, this can impact on our quality of life. Luckily there are many other alternative options to remain engaged in daily life. Whether you’re someone affected by health issues or care for someone who is, this article should provide ideas for individual and group activities for the elderly.

Happiness and Health in Care

It may seem obvious that there’s a link between happiness and health. And yet, it’s not always clear what that link is and how to strengthen it. Knowing how to maximise our health and wellbeing are fundamental to enjoying a good quality of life. So whether you work in care, receive support or simply want to help a loved one, click here to discover more.

Loneliness Guide: How to Overcome Social Isolation

Loneliness is a growing epidemic around the world. Although it can affect anyone at any age, it’s become a common phenomenon in health and social care settings. Older adults may be particularly prone to suffer feelings of isolation, where health conditions or bereavements may result in social withdrawal. In this article, we’ll look at loneliness, its effects and best solutions.

Person-Centred Care

Care workers routinely go above and beyond to deliver the best service for their clients. Using their induction, training and more importantly, on the job experience, they learn approaches to deliver the safest and most effective care. Part of this best practice involves person-centred care, a way of empowering clients to assume a more prominent role in their management.

How to Choose a Home Care Agency

Many individuals around the UK require extra help at home either due to ageing, illness or disability. If family members aren’t available to provide that help, often a professional home care agency must be employed. In this article, we’ll cover a checklist to help you make an informed choice.

16 Benefits of Exercise for the Elderly

Exercise is one of the most important activities to maintain independence in older adults. Although many of us know this, becoming more sedentary with age is often the reality. So here are 16 concrete benefits that may encourage you to move more.

Home Safety for the Elderly: A Simple Checklist

Staying safe at home becomes more important for older adults, especially during illness or disability. Minimising risk around the house can reduce the likelihood of emergencies or accidents that could lead to hospital admissions. So let’s take a look.

18 Qualities That Make an Exceptional Care Worker

Care work is a hugely rewarding, yet at times, challenging profession. Which is why the role requires a special type of person. In this article, we’ll explore the essential qualities and personality traits for a career in care work.

Care Worker Writing Competition

Care workers go the extra mile every day and these stories recognise that vital work. Not only do they demonstrate the passion and dedication of the care community but its positive impact on some of the most vulnerable groups in society.