The Importance of Quality Training in Homecare

There is nothing more important in homecare than well-trained, compassionate staff. In this article, UKHCA’s Learning and Development Specialist Jayne Easterbrook discusses how training has grown in emphasis and the support UKHCA can provide to both homecare organisations and their care staff.

Social Care: Provider and Local Authority Collaboration

With the current debate surrounding adult social care following a recent release from central government, it’s imperative to discuss the provision of services and their wider social impact. Adam Hutchison, from Belmont Healthcare, examines the issue.

Hartford Care Trek for Charity

Hartford Care recently undertook the mammoth challenge of trekking the remote highlands of Iceland, raising an incredible £13,000 for The Care Workers Charity. So what’s it like to trek across vibrant coloured mountains, wade through glacial rivers and camp under the stars?

Choosing a Care Home: A Definitive Checklist

Choosing a care home can be extremely difficult. The home must have everything you or your relative needs, in the right location at an affordable price. It needs to be a care home where the resident can still do the things that matter to them, where they have choice and control and where their emotional needs are valued and their rights are upheld.

Falls in the Elderly

Falls are a serious problem for older adults, often leading to injury, hospital admissions and in some cases, long-term health conditions. Indeed, 1 in 3 of adults over 65 living at home will have at least one fall a year. In this short introductory guide, we’ll cover the main reasons for falls and how best to reduce the common risk factors that can lead to an accident.

Care Worker Interview Questions

If you like a varied job where no two days are the same, then care work could be your perfect career. But first, you must overcome the job interview. In this article, we’ll analyse typical interview questions and how best to showcase your skills.

Back Pain: An Introductory Guide

Back pain is a widespread phenomenon and has been shown to cause more disability than any other condition. The care industry may be particularly at risk, with back pain affecting both care workers and care recipients alike. In this article, we aim to provide an introduction to the topic.

The Healing Power of Music

We all know that music can change lives – whether it’s a child’s favourite nursery rhyme, the first-dance song at a wedding, or a tune that brings back memories of youth, music has the power to move.