International Recruiting – East of England

International Recruiting – East of England

The Care Workers’ Charity will use their existing systems for managing and processing crisis grants in line with the eligibility criteria agreed by International Recruitment East to meet the aims of supporting International recruits who have been displaced.

International Recruitment East (IRE) is a Government funded programme.

The programme funding is to support care providers in ethical and safe recruitment of international care staff with a right to work, into ASC care positions across the East of England.

The IRE Programme aims to improve adult social care provision across the East of England. The heart of the programme is to support  care providers in the ethical recruitment of international care professionals. As part of this it also aims to ensure the safety, wellbeing and equipping of all internationally recruited ASC staff. This is necessary in order to ensure the very best quality of care for the people in the East who access ASC services.

International Recruitment East is supported by: 

  • The twelve local authorities across the East of England
  • Skills for Care
  • The Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS) East


The Grant will be ring-fenced to Care Workers living in the following boroughs:

–        Bedford Borough
–        Central Bedfordshire
–        Cambridgeshire
–        Essex
–        Hertfordshire
–        Luton
–        Milton Keynes
–        Norfolk
–        Peterborough
–        Southend
–        Suffolk
–        Thurrock

How can we help if you are a refugee or international recruit?

Support for International recruits
We are offering a £500 grant to current care workers and new starters who are international recruits and meet the following criteria:

  • need to secure alternative employment in a new Adult Social Care organisation due to License Revocation of their most recent employer.

Individual grants can be awarded to international recruits to support in two specific areas:

1. Visa fee reimbursement – either i) Basic visa fee -£284 or ii) Priority visa fee -£784.

2. Work Expense Grants: Individual grants awarded to support with costs to IR directly related to work expenses/finding new employment ie bike, clothing, travel costs.

Criteria for accessing funds:

1. Visa fee reimbursement:

Grant funding is available for Adult Social Care International Recruits who need to secure alternative employment in a new Adult Social Care organisation due to License Revocation of their most recent employer.

The employee would pay for the updated visa, (current cost £284), this could then be claimed back from the Care Workers Charity when they start employment with a new Adult Social Care Provider.

Criteria for accessing these funds:

· Candidate must be moving from an organisation whose license has been revoked

· The employee must have paid the fees to get their updated employment visa

· In most circumstances the Basic Visa fee will apply (£284), in exceptional circumstances, where the worker had to use the Priority Visa service to secure new employment the higher amount of £784 can be claimed.

· The maximum fee that can be claimed is £784

· Receipts will need to be provided

· The fee needs to be claimed within 3 months of the employee starting the new role

If you have been offered employment, you can apply for a grant within a month before your start date

2. Work Expense Grants:

Grant funding is available for Adult Social Care International Recruits who need to secure alternative employment in a new Adult Social Care organisation due to License Revocation of their most recent employer.

Criteria for accessing these funds:

· Candidate must be moving from an organisation whose license has been revoked

· The maximum grant that can be awarded is £500

· The purpose of grant must be directly related to finding/starting new employment in the Social Care sector. E.g. bicycle, work clothing, transport.


Criteria for accessing these funds:

· Candidate must be moving from an organisation whose license has been revoked

· The employee must have paid the fees to get their updated employment visa

· The maximum fee that can be claimed is £284

· Receipts will need to be provided

· The fee needs to be claimed within 3 months of the employee starting the new role


The work related grants available to international recruits can able assist with:  

–        Travel expenses
–        Childcare
–        Car repairs
–        Contribution towards a car purchase
–        Electric bike or scooter
–        Driving test/lessons
–        Internet for a year
–        Uniform or dress code
–        DBS check
–        Training related expenses
–        Driving tests/lessons

Due to financial resources, if you have received a total of £2000 or  more in grants from us, you are unfortunately not eligible for any further funding.

The fund has now closed for Christmas

The fund will reopen on Monday 13th January at 10am.
