The Care Workers Charity Welcomes New Report on Improving Care Worker Pay in England

The Care Workers Charity welcomes the joint report by the Health Foundation and Nuffield Trust, ‘From ambition to reality: National policy options to improve care worker pay in England.’  

Karolina Gerlich, CEO says, “I was pleased to be invited to feed into this work outlining five key policy options to enhance compensation for care workers. Care workers deserve to be paid fairly for their indispensable work, yet they are continually listed as one of the lowest paying roles in the UK and paid, on average, 36% less than for NHS equivalent roles. Considering the government’s commitment to a fair pay agreement, it is great to see this report set out five clear policy options regarding pay for care workers, drawing on international learning.  

It is heartening to see public support for increased pay for care workers with 77% of the public agreeing their pay is too low. It is also great to see wide support for suggested measures to increase pay, with the introduction of pay scales supported by 85% of the public. Recognising care workers’ experience and having wages increase as they take on new responsibilities in their roles is something we have long campaigned for. We also support calls for wage increases for care workers above the minimum wage along with bonuses that recognise the hard work and sacrifices made by care workers. Although less popular with the public it was great to see these proposals were also supported by 77% and 65% of the public respectively.  

It is clear, as the report highlights, that any of the measures must be costed and fully funded by the national government. While there are no easy answers, not funding this work properly also comes at a cost—impacting both care workers and those that draw on social care. We hope the government will read this report and use it as a starting point for action on care worker pay. Care workers have proven time and again their commitment to their roles. It is now time for the government to show an equal commitment to them, recognising and valuing their contributions properly.” 

The Care Workers Charity believes that the implementation of these policy options is crucial for ensuring that care workers are fairly compensated for their vital role in society. The charity continues to advocate for the recognition and proper remuneration of care workers, aligning with the overwhelming public support for such measures.