Solihull Fund

Crisis grants

The Care Workers’ Charity will use their existing systems for managing and processing crisis grants in line with the eligibility criteria agreed by Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council to meet the aims of supporting staff to remain in the care sector.

The Grant will be ring-fenced to Care Workers living or working within the Solihull area who are currently employed in the sector and have been so for at least three months or who qualify for a new starter grant.

How can we help?

We are offering up to £1,000 to current care workers and up to £500 new starters who meet the following criteria:

  • currently employed in the adult social care sector in the county for at least three months, OR have been offered employment and are new to the sector or haven’t worked in the sector for at least three months
  • Live or work in the area

Have experienced one of the following changes in circumstances, within the last year:

  • A sudden of unexpected loss of income
  • A sudden or unexpected cost that may impact on ability to work in the care sector
  • A sudden or unexpected change in living circumstances or loss of home
  • A sudden or unexpected illness or injury
  • A relationship breakdown
  • An issue of domestic abuse
  • Not be over the 25% of the Minimum Income Standard
  • Are intending to continue to work in the adult social care sector in Solihull

The crisis grants may be able to assist with:

  • Daily living expenses
  • Essential white goods /household items
  • Travel expenses to hospital
  • Short/long term sickness
  • Health improvement aids and adaptations
  • Essential household repairs
  • Car repairs
  • Fees to prevent eviction/ housing related issues
  • Funeral costs

The crisis grants may not be used for:

  • Debts -consumer credit/debt repayments, payday loans, overdraft fees
  • Legal fees and costs of legal representation
  • Payment of fines
  • House purchase
  • Private medical treatment
  • Private education
  • Higher education course fees

Unfortunately, due to financial resources, if you have received a total of £2000 worth or more in grants from us, you are unfortunately not eligible for any more funding.

New starter grant

We also have a new starter grant for people who are new to the sector or may have previously worked in the care sector, but not in their current role. If unemployed since leaving care sector role, then this must be for a minimum of 3 months. Please note we will be checking with your employer to confirm that you have worked at least two weeks in your role.

To find out what documentation is required please click here

There is also more information here

The fund is currently closed due to all funds being spent
