Martin Jones - Chair

Martin’s role is to continue the development of the brand in the UK, helping establish Home Instead as the UK's most admired care company and as an employer of choice within the sector. Alongside his passion to support families to enable their loved ones to live independently at home he is dedicated to providing job opportunities that are fulfilling and make best use of peoples' skills and experience. He is an active member of Business in the Community's Age at Work leadership team, championing the role of older workers.
Martin’s non-executive and Trustee roles include: Member of the UKHCA board; Chair of The Silver Line charity; member of the Age UK Board; Trustee of TSA, the voice of technology enabled care and Trustee of The Care Workers Charity. He is also Chair of Home Instead’s charity in the UK, The Bring Joy Foundation.
Lisa Delaney - Deputy Chair

Sophie Chester-Glyn

Nathan Hollow

Prof Martin Green OBE: Vice President

As Chief Executive of Care England Martin is an advocate and spokesperson for the care sector. He has worked in social care for over 30 years, and has such admiration for care workers, who do such a complex and important job, but who seldom receive the recognition they so richly deserve.
Martin joined the Care Workers Charity because he believes that care workers make a real commitment to the people they support, and if they are ever in need of help themselves, it is only fair that there is a charity that can provide it.
Martin brings to the board over 30 years experience, excellent networks, and access to Government and critical decision-makers.
Before being invited to join the board of trustees Kieran volunteered for the Charity and raised both money and awareness for the charity and in his own words, “will continue to do so”. His presence brings a care worker-specific perspective to our board of trustees.
Avnish Goyal CBE: Patron

Avnish was one of the founding members of the Care Workers Charity back in 2009, with the goal of giving care workers a safety net when they fell on hard times.
As Chair of Care England, the leading representative body for independent care services in England, and also Founding Trustee of his family charity, the Hemraj Goyal Foundation, Avnish brings a wealth of experience and influence to the Charity as Patron.
Manjeet Rai: Patron

Outside of their professional achievements, Manjeet is passionate about social responsibility and actively contributes to charitable endeavours. In joining the Care Workers Charity as a patron, Manjeet brings a wealth of experience and understanding of the challenges in the sector and is determined to make positive contributions to its mission.
Richard Hawkins: Patron

In 1985 he co-founded Hawker Publications, a medical publishing company, and continued to practise surgery partime while growing the company which has expanded into childcare and black fashion. Through one of his publications, Caring Times, Richard became aware of the difficulties and challenges some care workers face and was therefore delighted to be a founder Trustee of the Care Workers Charity. Richard is married to a doctor, has three children and loves chess, collecting chess sets, reading historical biographies, playing golf and having fun.
Davina Ludlow: Patron

Davina is an advocate for good care and speaks on both TV and radio and is often quoted in the national newspapers on issues relating to the care sector. In addition, she regularly writes for HuffPost about care. She is a passionate supporter and founder Trustee of the Care Workers Charity as she believes care workers, who are invaluable in supporting vulnerable people, deserve their own support network to help them in times of need.
She is also Chairman of, the leading home care reviews website and, the leading nurseries reviews website.