Ways to donate
So, you’ve raised a lot from your event and you need to know how to get it to us.
We’ve made it as easy as possible to send in the funds you’ve raised. Every pound you’ve raised translates into practical help for those who need it most, so thank you.
Send a cheque
Make it payable to The Care Workers Charity, and send it to: Fundraising Team, The Care Workers’ Charity, Rushworth Studios, 63 Webber Street, London SE1 0QW.
Donate directly through our website
Click here to make a direct donation to The Care Workers Charity. Just be sure to leave a note and your name so we know which event the donation is for, and so we can say thank you
Create your own Fundraising Page
Create your own secure, Fundraising Page on our site. It’s easy to set up and allows you to add photos and messages for your supporters. The webpage is accessible 24 hours a day, pays the sponsorship money directly to our bank account and is paperless. The Fundraising Team can assist you with this, click here to ask a question.
Paying through JustGiving
If you’d rather donate through JustGiving, please visit https://www.justgiving.com/careworkerscharity and donate today. Just be sure to leave a note and your name so we know which event the donation is for, and so we can say thank you
Gift Aid
If you can get your sponsors (who are UK tax payers) to give their full name, address (including postcode) and to tick the Gift Aid box confirming their tax payer status, we will receive an additional 25p per £1 under the Gift Aid scheme. This can make a big difference so it’s worth pursuing